Easily Obtain Trademark Registration
Trademark registration helps establish ownership and protect brand of an entity. Early trademark filing will help avoid unnecessary legal tangle.
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Trademark Registration
A Trade Mark is a visual symbol related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. A Trade Mark could be a word, slogan, photograph and logo. However, most businesses are only looking for a brand name registration or logo registration. For the registration of a trademark, the trademark should be a sign, capable of graphical representation and capable of distinguishing the applicant's goods or services from other goods Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and provide the trademark owner the right to sue for damages when infringements of trademarks occur.
Legal Protection
Only owners of registered trademarks are permitted to take action for damages in case of trademark registration. Trademark protection is not enforceable for trademarks that are not registered.
Business Opportunity
A Trademark Is an intangible asset that can be enormously valuable, should your brand succeed. Think of Ariel, Sparx or KFC businesses can huge money In Royalties through licensing agreements.
Unique Identity
To identify your products or services with your brand name only. Registering your Trademark is Competitors will not be allowed to use your trademark for similar goods or services.